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When we are faced with challenging image classification tasks, we often explain our reasoning by dissecting the image, and pointing out prototypical aspects of one class or another. The mounting evidence for each of the classes helps us make our final decision. In this work, we introduce a deep network architectureprototypical part network (ProtoPNet), that reasons in a similar way: the network dissects the image by finding prototypical parts, and combines evidence from the prototypes to make a final classification. The model thus reasons in a way that is qualitatively similar to the way ornithologists, physicians, and others would explain to people on how to solve challenging image classification tasks. The network uses only image-level labels for training without any annotations for parts of images. We demonstrate our method on the CUB-200-2011 dataset and the Stanford Cars dataset. Our experiments show that ProtoPNet can achieve comparable accuracy with its analogous non-interpretable counterpart, and when several ProtoPNets are combined into a larger network, it can achieve an accuracy that is on par with some of the best-performing deep models. Moreover, ProtoPNet provides a level of interpretability that is absent in other interpretable deep models. * Contributed equally † DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.
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Deep neural networks are incredibly vulnerable to crafted, human-imperceptible adversarial perturbations. Although adversarial training (AT) has proven to be an effective defense approach, we find that the AT-trained models heavily rely on the input low-frequency content for judgment, accounting for the low standard accuracy. To close the large gap between the standard and robust accuracies during AT, we investigate the frequency difference between clean and adversarial inputs, and propose a frequency regularization (FR) to align the output difference in the spectral domain. Besides, we find Stochastic Weight Averaging (SWA), by smoothing the kernels over epochs, further improves the robustness. Among various defense schemes, our method achieves the strongest robustness against attacks by PGD-20, C\&W and Autoattack, on a WideResNet trained on CIFAR-10 without any extra data.
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We are introducing a multi-scale predictive model for video prediction here, whose design is inspired by the "Predictive Coding" theories and "Coarse to Fine" approach. As a predictive coding model, it is updated by a combination of bottom-up and top-down information flows, which is different from traditional bottom-up training style. Its advantage is to reduce the dependence on input information and improve its ability to predict and generate images. Importantly, we achieve with a multi-scale approach -- higher level neurons generate coarser predictions (lower resolution), while the lower level generate finer predictions (higher resolution). This is different from the traditional predictive coding framework in which higher level predict the activity of neurons in lower level. To improve the predictive ability, we integrate an encoder-decoder network in the LSTM architecture and share the final encoded high-level semantic information between different levels. Additionally, since the output of each network level is an RGB image, a smaller LSTM hidden state can be used to retain and update the only necessary hidden information, avoiding being mapped to an overly discrete and complex space. In this way, we can reduce the difficulty of prediction and the computational overhead. Finally, we further explore the training strategies, to address the instability in adversarial training and mismatch between training and testing in long-term prediction. Code is available at https://github.com/Ling-CF/MSPN.
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当前的场景图生成研究(SGG)着重于解决生成无偏见的场景图的长尾问题。但是,大多数偏见的方法都过度强调了尾巴谓词,并低估了整个训练的头部,从而破坏了头部谓词特征的表示能力。此外,这些头部谓词的受损特征会损害尾巴谓词的学习。实际上,尾巴谓词的推论在很大程度上取决于从头部谓词中学到的一般模式,例如“站在”上“依赖”。因此,这些偏见的SGG方法既不能在尾巴谓词上实现出色的性能,也不能满足头部的行为。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个双分支混合学习网络(DHL),以照顾SGG的头部谓词和尾巴,包括粗粒度的学习分支(CLB)和细粒度的学习分支(FLB) 。具体而言,CLB负责学习专业知识和头部谓词的鲁棒特征,而FLB有望预测信息丰富的尾巴谓词。此外,DHL配备了分支课程时间表(BCS),以使两个分支机构一起工作。实验表明,我们的方法在VG和GQA数据集上实现了新的最新性能,并在尾巴谓词和头部的性能之间进行了权衡。此外,对两个下游任务(即图像字幕和句子到刻画检索)进行了广泛的实验,进一步验证了我们方法的概括和实用性。
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场景图生成(SGG)代表对象及其与图形结构的交互。最近,许多作品致力于解决SGG中的不平衡问题。但是,在整个训练过程中低估了头部谓词,他们破坏了为尾部提供一般特征的头部谓词的特征。此外,对尾部谓词的过多注意会导致语义偏差。基于此,我们提出了一个新颖的SGG框架,学习以从头到尾生成场景图(SGG-HT),其中包含课程重新定位机制(CRM)和语义上下文上下文模块(SCM)。 CRM首先学习头/简单样品,以获得头部谓词的稳健特征,然后逐渐专注于尾部/硬质。建议通过确保在全球和局部表示中生成的场景图与地面真相之间的语义一致性来缓解语义偏差。实验表明,SGG-HT显着减轻了视觉基因组上最先进的表现。
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